NJ Procedural Rules

The New Jersey Court Rule that prohibits non-lawyers from giving legal advice is Rule 1:22 – Unauthorized Practice of Law. Additionally, the New Jersey Supreme Court Committee on the Unauthorized Practice of Law enforces restrictions on non-lawyers providing legal advice, representing others in court, or engaging in other activities considered the practice of law.

1. Affordable Assistance

  • Hiring an attorney can be expensive, with hourly rates ranging from $250–$500+ per hour.
  • A paralegal service provides cost-effective support for document preparation and procedural guidance.

2. Help for Pro Se Litigants (Self-Represented Individuals)

  • Courts allow individuals to represent themselves, but the legal process can be confusing.
  • A paralegal can prepare forms, organize documents, and provide filing instructions, making the process smoother.

3. Properly Prepared Legal Documents

  • Errors in legal paperwork can lead to delays, dismissals, or unfavorable outcomes.
  • A paralegal ensures that documents are properly formatted, completed, and filed according to court rules.

4. Guidance on Court Procedures (Not Legal Advice)

  • While a paralegal cannot give legal advice or represent clients in court, they can provide general procedural guidance on:
    • Where and how to file documents
    • Deadlines and required forms
    • Court rules and basic legal terminology

5. Access to Justice for More People

  • Many people fall between not qualifying for legal aid and not being able to afford an attorney.
  • A paralegal service bridges that gap, making legal processes more accessible.